Memories that last a lifetime
Summer camp runs from June 16 and ends on August 1, 2025.
Drop off and pick up is at the ORANGE Umbrella for Primary and BLUE Umbrella for Toddlers, through the carline. You may also park and walk your child to the drop off area. Please remember to sign your child in and out daily using Procare App and the QR code provided by email.
Arrival Time: between 9:03am-9:15am
Pick Up Time: between 1:15pm-1:30pm
After Care Pick Up Time: between 3:45pm-4:00pm.
What To Pack:
Label all of the items you send with your child and pack these items in a 6qt plastic shoe box
* Apply sunscreen before dropping off your child. We will not be applying sunscreen at summer camp.
Send a spare set of clothes
A hat
You need to pack a nut free lunch and a water bottle (snack is provided)
A child-size sleeping bag (after care campers only)
Our Summer Camp Teachers:
Ms.Irma, Ms. Femke, Ms.Felisia, Ms.Hanan, Ms.Junko, Ms.Azi
We request you to keep your child home if they are not well so that we can all enjoy a healthy summer camp.